
Governors play an important role in the life of the school taking a long term strategic view of the way the school is developing over the next few years.

The diverse backgrounds of the Astbury St. Marys school governors bring a wealth of experience to the governing body, all with ultimately the same aim to move the school forwards with security and consistency and to equip the pupils with the knowledge and skills they will require when they leave us to go on to their secondary schools.

Governors play an important role in the life of the school taking a long term strategic view of the way the school is developing over the next few years. We work in conjunction with the head teacher and CDAT to implement the statutory school development plan.

The Astbury St. Marys school Governors are :-

CDAT Foundation Governors

Margaret Sanders appointed 01.02.2023 end of office 31.01.2027

Liz Wardlaw appointed 01.02.2023 end of office 31.01.2027

John Carter appointed 01.02.2023 end of office 31.01.2027

Kath Moore (Chair) 04.09.2024 end of office 03.09.2028

David Bibby 21.11.2023 end of office 20.11.2027

Hazel Bourke (Vice Chair) appointed 14.10.2024 end of office 13.10.2028

Parent Governors

Amanda Gowans appointed 15.10.2024 end of office 14.10.2028

Katherine Bell appointed 15.10.2024 end of office 14.10.2028

Staff Governors

Pip Blythe (Headteacher) appointed 01.01.2016

Lauren Gibbins appointed 01.03.2023 end of office 28.02.2027

Clerk to the Governors

Ruth Smith


Our aim is to ensure our children are in a happy, safe, caring and rewarding environment. We strongly believe this is achieved by maintaining the ethos of the school and working as a team with the staff, parents and our children.

Governor Calendar for 2025

Local Governing Body Meeting – March 2025

Religious Education and Ethos Committee - Spring term 2025


Contacting the Governors

If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors:

Mrs Kath Moore
Chair of Governors
Astbury St. Mary’s Primary School
School Lane
CW12 4RG
01260 272528

Alternatively email Mrs Moore at [email protected]

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